CardSharing | CCCAM Server Thu, 20 Feb 2020 19:29:52 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Download CCcam for the 4K and Normal receivers! Sat, 11 Aug 2018 10:55:50 +0000 // Here is the latest CCcam files version CCcam 2.3.2 for the 4K – UHD receivers with ARM processors, and also Normal receivers with MIPS processors.


Files with arm tags belongs to 4K receivers:


Update May 2019
CCcam 2.3.2 – with SkyDE fix for the all images and processors:


If you can’t install it from menu please transfer the file into the /temp directory, telnet to your receiver and do like this:

OE2.0 Enigma2:

opkg install /tmp/*.ipk


opkg install –force-overwrite /tmp/*.ipk

OE2.5 DreamOS:

dpkg -i /tmp/*.deb


dpkg -i –force-overwrite /tmp/*.deb


And to remove:

OE2.0 Enigma2:

opkg remove enigma2-softcams-cccam-all-images

OE2.5 DreamOS:

dpkg -r enigma2-softcams-cccam-all-images

Thank you: audi06_19

How to install OSCam on 4K receiver! Tue, 27 Dec 2016 12:43:29 +0000 // In this tutorial I’m gonna tell you how to install OSCam on your 4K receiver.

To install OSCam on your receiver you have to transfer the IPK or DEB file to your receiver by using your favorite ftp program, the directory you have to transfer the file is /tmp/ or /var/volatile/tmp/, after transferring the file you can install it manually from your receiver menu, to see how to transfer the file to receiver please take look into this tutorial: How to transfer Files from PC to Receiver

After that press blue button>VIX>Install local extensions – highlight it and OK (if you have VIX image)
Or press green button>Addon – yellow button>Manually Install IPK packages – highlight it and OK (if you have Black hole image)
Other images are similar..

We collected IPK files for different images here, please download the OSCam IPK file for the image you have on your receiver:


You can use them for these receivers VUplus Solo 4K/Ultimo 4K/Uno 4K, Mutant HD51/52, AX 51/52, Xtrend ET11000/120000, Spycat 4K, Edision 4K, Octagon 4K


Update January 2020
OSCam 11.572-emu-r798 – with SkyDE fix for the all images and processors mips – arm:


If you can’t install it from menu please transfer the file into the /temp directory, telnet to your receiver and do like this:

OE2.0 Enigma2:

opkg install /tmp/*.ipk


opkg install –force-overwrite /tmp/*.ipk

OE2.5 DreamOS:

dpkg -i /tmp/*.deb


dpkg -i –force-overwrite /tmp/*.deb


And to remove:

OE2.0 Enigma2:

opkg remove enigma2-softcams-oscam-all-images

OE2.5 DreamOS:

dpkg -r enigma2-softcams-oscam-all-images

Thank you: audi06_19

How to use CCcam on 4K receivers with Oscam Sun, 25 Dec 2016 16:18:15 +0000 // To use CCcam on these receivers using Oscam you need to install Oscam on your receiver, and follow the instruction:

The only thing you need to do is to add the following code in your config file which is oscam.server
If you don’t have it simply create a file and name it oscam.server and put it in this directory:
On openATV image the directory could be:

label                         =
protocol                      = cccam
device                        =,30000
user                          = myusername
password                      = mypassword
inactivitytimeout             = 30
group                         = 1
cccversion                    = 2.1.4
ccckeepalive                  = 1

device, you have to add the server address and port there like the above example.

user, you have to add the username there like the above example.

password, you have to add the password there like the above example.


Download in zip file

But if you would like to use CCcam on your 4K receiver instead of Oscam please go to this link Here.

Enigma2 Bootlogo-Generator ( Dream-Logo-Generator ) Tue, 09 Dec 2014 13:19:57 +0000 // Beschreibung:

Mit diesem Tool ist es ein “Kinderspiel” aus eigenen Fotos das Bootlogo für die Enigma2 zu erstellen und mittels des FTP-Clients auch gleich auf die Box schieben zu lassen! Hierbei wird das Bild in eine .MVI umgewandelt.
Die MVI wird dann als Bootlogo /Bootlogo_wait / und backdrop in den richtigen Ordner in der Box abgelegt!
Als Radiologo muss das MVI von Hand in radio.mvi umbenannt und in dem Ordner /usr/share/enigma2 abgelegt werden.
*WICHTIG* Das Tool verarbeitet nur Bilder mit dem Format 1280*720 !


Changer l image de démarrage de votre Dreambox ! Tue, 09 Dec 2014 13:18:22 +0000 // Bonjour aujourd hui un petit tuto pour changer l image du boot de votre  DreamBox ( Tester sur DM800se sur image Tsimage 3.0 )
Pour ce faire il vous faut choisir une image en jpg au format 1280/720 et un petit programme qui s appel DLG ( Dream Logo Générator ) Dream_Logo_Generator

Alors il est très facile a utiliser

1. Clickez sur open .JPG
2. Choisissez votre image
3. Remplissez IP DM800, USER et PASS
4. Clickez sur Send as Bootlogo.mvi, Bootlogo_wait.mvi, backdrop.mvi
5. Attention après chaque click il envois le fichier et vous demande pour redémarrer la Dream dite non jusqu’à ce que vous aillez fait les 3
6. Redémarrer la dream et voila vous avez votre image perso

Configurer un Dreambox 500S Clone de A à Z en image Tue, 09 Dec 2014 13:07:19 +0000 // Voici un tutoriel en image sur la configuration d’un décodeurs Dreambox 500S Clone avec une image Gemini 4.70 Maxvar CCcam 2.1.4.

1) Connecter votre dreambox a internet

1- Allumé votre Dreambox faite Menu > Réglages > Configuration expert > réglage de la comunication et noté l’addresse IP de votre Dreambox.

2) Activation de CCcam 2.1.4 :

Avec le bouton bleu de la télécommande on accède au blue Panel qui permet d’activer les softcams et plein d’autres choses.

Une fois sur le blue panel faite droite ou gauche pour qu’a la place de Common interface il y est marqué CCcam 2.1.4, puis ok.

Voilà CCcam 2.1.4 est activé.

3) Edition du fichier CCcam.cfg :

1- Ouvrir DCC et remplir les champs comme indiqué sur l’image.

Nom: root
Passw: Dreambox

2- Cliquer sur onglet FTP.

3- ouvrir le dossier /var puis /etc et chercher le fichier CCcam.cfg , clique droit, éditer.

Si le fichier n’existe pas, créer un fichier texte et le renommé en CCcam.cfg puis injecté le dans le dossier /etc.

4- Coller vos Cline à la fin du CCcam.cfg et enregistré.

Ne pas tenir compte des lignes qui commence par le signe (#) se sont des exemples de configuration fournie avec CCcam.

4) Liste de chaines :

Maintenant il vous faut injecter dans la Dreambox une liste de chaines à jour avec des favoris pour éviter d’avoir à trier des milliers de canaux.
avec dreamboxedit

5) Le fichier CCcam.prio :

1- Télécharger le CCcam.prio sur le forum

2- Avec DCC ouvrir le dossier /var puis /etc de votre Dreambox

3- Transférer le CCcam.prio vers le dossier /etc de votre Dreambox.

Voila a ce stade tout doit fonctionner

CCcam 2.1.4 setup with TSPANEL Tue, 09 Dec 2014 12:59:09 +0000 // 1- Press the green button on your remote to access the addons menu



2- Choose TSpanel


3- Addons


4- TunisiaSat Vuplus Addons



5- Cam-BlackHole


6- Choose Cccam-2.1.4-full-blackhole_04.04.2013_all, then ok


7- Wait for the installation

8- Restart le vu+

How to enable CCcam 2.1.4 :

With the blue button on the remote control is accessed blue panel that enables the softcams and many other things.

Once on the blue panel made has left or right to the place there is marked Common interface CCcam 2.1.4, then ok.




Here CCcam 2.1.4 is activated.

How to setup plugin TSpanel Tue, 09 Dec 2014 12:50:44 +0000 // 1- Unzip the file on your computer enigma2-plugin-extensions-tspanel_7.5_mipsel

2- Open DCC and complete the fields as shown in the image.

Name: root
Passw: vuplus


3- Click on FTP tab.

4- in the left window open the /tmp directory, then in the right window open the folder on your PC where you stored the TSpanel plugin.


5- With the green arrows between the two windows, transfer TSpanel plugin to the /tmp directory.


6- On the remote menu made of Vu + /Addons/IPK manual installation, select the TSpanel plugin, ok then yes.
At the end of the installation press ok and restart





How to Make CCcam.cfg file Tue, 09 Dec 2014 12:44:02 +0000 // Most of the satellite receiver boxes need CCcam.cfg file with your CCcam lines in it in order to work. Usually users ask their providers for a cfg file not knowing they can create it themselves. Doing this is pretty much easy and you only need to have your CCcam lines to put in it.

First, create a simple text document.

Put your CCcam lines in it. Make sure your Lines have the correct format according to your box.

Note: usual format of CCcam lines is C: server port user pass

Now from the top left side of your text document click File > Save As ….

At the bottom there is a section called “Save As Type”, change it to “All Files”.

Then from the top of it in “File Name” write CCcam.cfg and save it.

Note: remember it`s vital that the first two C`s be in Caps Letters.

Thats it, your CCcam.cfg file is ready to be used.

How To Load CCcam.cfg Card Sharing Into Skybox/Openbox HD Satellite Decoder Using Thumbdrive Tue, 09 Dec 2014 12:42:49 +0000 // There are ways to load CCcam.cfg card sharing account for Dreambox using FTP and CCcam.cfg Editor, which is suitable for beginner. If you wonder how you can perform the same on OpenBox, or Skybox S9, a HD (High Definition) capable satellite decoder that have been widely dubbed as a replacement for a more relatively expensive DreamBox 800HD, here are some pretty simple steps that you can get it done.

The loading method is quite different and much simpler as compared to Dreambox decoder thanks to its built-in USB 2.0 host port. And what users need to have is a USB thumbdrive (with CCcam.cfg file stored into it) plugged into the USB 2.0 host port of the decoder. If you already have those ready, follow below steps:

  1. From the remote control, go to Menu -> Network Local Setting -> CCcam Plug Setting.
  2. Under CCcam Plug Setting, choose ‘Update Files By USB’.
  3. When prompted for Add Update Files, choose CCcam.cfg (CCcam Plug) followed by Read (Yellow button) press.
  4. Then, go to Manage Config Files -> Highlight CCcam.cfg and press OK.
  5. By now you should see the cline server, click Active (Green button) to activate it so that they are online connected to card sharing server.

Hopefully this is simple enough and can be done even by newbies that has no such experience before.
